Sunday, August 30, 2009

Football Program Pictures

Freshman Cheer 2009-2010
Varsity Cheer 2009-2010
Varsity Song 2009-2010
JV Cheer 2009-2010
JV Song 2009-2010

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I know that camp was about a month ago at this point, but hey! better late than never....I think that these pics capture the hard work and the fun of camp.....hope you all enjoy!

Kenna and Priscilla
Loren, Rylee, Hannah and CJ....loading up on the sunscreen!
Song.....workin it out!
Caught you Wendy.....
Varsity Cheer Captains
Taking a much needed break for water, snacks and sunscreen

Varsity Basket Tosses.....see McKenna?
Sunscreen, sunscreen and more sunscreen
thanks to the bradley's for the iced down cloths.....the girls really enjoyed them!
Evaluation night....getting ready
JV Cheer
Varsity Cheer
Freshman Cheer
JV Song
Varsity song
Coaching Staff
Sideline Cheer at evaluations
JV Song working "cant touch this".....check out the facials on sarah, sharon, and leslie
Freshman and JV Cheer
Varsity Song.....WORK!
Varsity Cheer....pyramid routine
Silly girls.....
Cheer Staff
Finally done after 4 days of hard work......way to go girls!
BEST ALL GIRLS STUNT GROUP! Way to go: Mariah, Naomi, Danielle, Amanda and Emily!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Congrats to this seasons Captains

Just wanted to take a moment to say congratulations to this season's captains. This was such a hard decision for the teams and the coaching staff, as we had so many great girls running for the position. We are excited about our decisions and are looking forward to a great year!

Freshman Cheer:
Holly Buban
Ashlee Sutherland

JV Cheer:
Marissa Guccione
Bree Gelberger

JV Song:
Sarah Condon
Jenna Knoth

Varsity Song:
Kelsey Tredwell
Amy Tilk

Varsity Cheer:
Chelsea Fowler
Christina Carlson

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Prom 2009

So Prom was Saturday night and the coaching staff had planned to go as chaperone's for the night. We had dinner together and drove over to the grove to check on the girls.....most of them knew we were coming but did not believe us.....and then.....there we of the best parts of the night was the dessert/candy bar they had.....we couldn't resist taking a carmel apple to go....
We did make our way to the dance floor......Mariah and Lena kept us company with their moves!
Here is Coach Kylie, Mariah and cute!!!
Coach Lindsey.....getting down with her bad self.....GO LAKERS!!
Coach House LOVED the dessert bar......she couldn't resist the chocolate covered strawberries!
Coach Kylie with Sarah Martin, one of our graduating seniors.....we all LOVED her dress!!!
ET SONG......Coach Lindsey, Jamie, Coach House, and Amy......All and all the girls looked great! The coaching staff had a wonderful time hanging out with the girls and sharing this special event with them......we cant wait for Homecoming.....when all the girls will be there with us!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

New Year.....New Blog!

Welcome to the 09-10 season. I am so excited for this upcoming year so I decided that there would be no better way to keep everyone updated than to have a blog for our program. I will be posting pictures, announcement, motivational quotes, awards, and fun stuff on this blog for all of you to enjoy. I encourage you to bookmark this site and check back often! Let's keep up the hard work and get ourselves ready for camp....FILLED WITH LOVE!!!